Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rent house

Today, I'm not in a mood to write in English..can I write in Malay?
(kalau korang tak bagi pun I nak jugak)
I'm in process to rent a house in Ukay Perdana. Bcoz my sister will get married this June. So mama asked me to find a new house for us. Betul kata mama. Yelah, takkan I asyik nak free hair and not covering my aurat rite? (Hurm... lainla bagi sesetengah orang yg tak kesah bout that. Kejap pakai tudung, kejap tak pakai, belakang kita buka tudung.)
Before this I live together with my sister in Pinggiran Cempaka. So bila semua dah ada husband, semua nak privacy rite? Faham-fahamla kan!! Hahaha...jus joking..
Ok, back to the story bout my new house.
So yesterday babah datang kl. We all cari barang keperluan such as aircond, washing machine, set meja makan, cupboard, rak buku and macam-macam lagi. But the very best part babah belikan kitorang drafting table. So my husband and I have our own drafting table. Seronoknya!!
You know my dad kalau boleh semua benda dia nak belikan. He's really kind and langsung tak kedekut especially for his family. Begitu juga my mum. But I don't want they spend too much for me. Bcoz for me it's not fair kalau dey all yang prepare everything.
My husband will asked also their parents other things such as internet, astro, and benda-benda basic. I hope tak ada problem bout that. Hurm...
So we all move in on 1st May. And before that I will angkut bibik datang kl to help me clean and wash the house becoz it's so so dirty. Masyallah sangat bersepah ok!
We hope rumah tu ok and clear. My hubby cakap after this kalau nak kemana-mana mesti berdua. Bcoz we all tak biasa. Maklumlah bukan rumah sendiri. Sejujurnya, I memang penakut. Hahaha. Nampaknya after this lagilah macam belangkas kitorang ni ye. Jangan jeles!!
Itu sahaja buat masa ni. So apa-apa perkembangan I will tell it later.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

my feeling...

hello to myself...
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Today I feel like so sad, angry, serabut kepala, kecewa and macam-macam lagi..
Ntahla..tak tahu frust dengan siapa..
Dahla exam soil science tomorrow and all the notes berterabur..
Hello girl what's wrong with you..come on get up ok!
That's all for this post.